About Meghan

Hi, I’m Meghan, a self-taught artist just having fun. I believe that life is art and everyone should be creating their masterpiece. Your life is your masterpiece. I love painting, especially with bright colors. I think that art should make you smile, think, and be inspiring. So welcome to my life and my art. I hope it brings you joy.

Creating art brings me joy. I love trying new things. Art is my way of spending time with myself, finding myself, and loving myself. The beauty of art is that there is not a right or wrong way. If you mess up, you can just paint over it and try again. The process is funny – you love it, you hate it, you want to give up, and then somehow you end up loving it again. Art is like life. Sometimes it is not always perfect, but you keep trying until you fall back in love with it.

“If you are lucky enough to be different, don’t ever change”

– Taylor Swift

I started my career as a first grade teacher, and quickly realized that was not the place for me. I switched careers and am currently working in the world of service and technology as a business systems analyst. When I am not working, I love creating art. Purple has been my favorite color ever since I was little, and pink also is a color that brings me joy. Fun, bright, neon colors are my favorite. I especially love playing around with pinks and purples, which is why you will typically find these colors in my paintings.

Something that you should know about me is that I am a HUGE Taylor Swift fan. If you pay attention to my art, you will figure this out pretty fast. Her music has always brought me through the moments in life – happy, sad, confused, and lonely at the same time – miserable and magical – and I hope that my art is able to help get people through these moments in life too. Even in the hard times, I hope that my art is able to inspire and bring joy to your life.

Family is a huge part of my life. Growing up, family has always been important and I love spending time with my family, playing games, laughing and being goofy. My amazing husband has been supporting me and my crazy painting obsession, and he doesn’t ever question the way that my office looks or the pink canvas that cover the room. And my sweet little brother is always one of the first people to like my TikToks. I cannot thank my family enough for the support that they have shown to me and my art. Thank you guys, I love y’all.

And you – whoever you are reading this – THANK YOU! Your support means the world to me, and even though painting is my therapy and the process brings me joy, I hope that the artwork that comes from that brings you joy.